Envisions: Special Edition
Tough Times Bring Change for the Better
We are living in a difficult time. We have experienced it before in the US. It is one of our great strengths as a nation, peaceful protests that lead to change. It is enshrined in our Constitution as part of the First Amendment. Since we are in the business of change which often results in upheaval, we believe this results in a better world. Change is Good!
Today, our protests focus on the systemic racism that affects the black community. These protests and the difficult conversation associated with them are critical to improving the quality of life and creating equality for all people. America is the land of the free and the home of the brave, but we can only truly be free if the brave souls that have historically been discriminated against and marginalized can enjoy “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” that so many others take for granted. We stand with the black community in bringing this much-needed change to America.
As venture capitalists, we promulgate change by investing in new ideas and great teams. The data shows that diverse teams produce better results, and we firmly believe these teams will generate the best returns for our investors. We will continue to work with diverse teams and back businesses that are creating equal opportunities for all. We will continue to commit time, resources, and investment to programs that promote diversity in the early-stage technology ecosystem, to be actively involved in the change that our society needs.
Dave Blundin, General Partner
Mark Casady, General Partner
Ian Sheridan, Managing Director
Mike Nugent, Managing Director
Frazer Anderson, Senior Associate
Halina Malahov, Operations Manager
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